Clinics (est.1989) Sheffield, Manchester and Bury
Your Feet In Safe Hands

Martyn Sherman
Clinic Director

Podiatry services the way it should be
We have been established in the Centre of Sheffield since 1989 and are located near to all the major shops in the town centre
The Senior podiatrist is Martin Sherman B.Sc. Pod. D.Pod.M. M.Ch.S. Martin qualified at The Chelsea School of Chiropody in 1987 and obtained the degree in Podiatry in 1998. He has worked within the NHS both in the South of England and in Manchester, he has also worked in private practice in London, Manchester, Sheffield and overseas
Martin has a very broad range of Chiropody and Podiatry experience
Martin and his associates are registered members of the Health Professions Council (HPC, formerly known as State Registered) as required by law, and have a minimum of a 3 year B.Sc or M.Sc. degree. We can use the protected titles Chiropodist and Podiatrist
Healthy Feet Clinics
Healthy Feet

Healthy Feet Manchester & Bury